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Sign up to be a mentor / mentee!

This form will CLOSE ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th AT 11:59 PM,

so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!


You will receive your mentor/mentee before our first Unite event on October 9, 2020 via email.

What is BSU Unite?

BSU Unite is the Black Student Union’s solidarity initiative to strengthen relationships among Black students, across class years. BSU Unite directly connects Black upperclassmen with Black freshmen, creating a support system that is specific to the experiences of Black students.


Through BSU Unite, mentors and mentees connect through programming such as speed friending and mixers, while developing meaningful and helpful relationships in daily interactions. 


Through participating in BSU Unite, mentees will receive academic and social guidance, while mentors will gain experience and wisdom from their service. Furthermore, participants in BSU Unite will develop meaningful relationships that last well into the future. 

How does BSU Unite Work?

The BSU Unite community consists of both pairs and family groups. Through the questionnaire, upperclassmen and underclassmen will be paired in a mentor-mentee relationship. Family groups will consist of three pairs. The family group is meant to provide additional companionship, support, and resources for participants.


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